Embedded Systems Design Projects, Guides and Tutorials

by Danilo Ramos

Apr 5, 2023


Welcome to this set of tutorials/guides for embedded systems. These guides are aimed at anyone who wants to join the marvellous world of embedded systems, needs a refresh of some concepts, or wants to build some cool projects just because. dramoz.github.io is a collection of a bunch of links, tips, and guides. I do and use them as personal fast-track reference guides/tutorials, to condensate and simplify the complexity of R&D in different topics.


Usually, at least in my case, I can have tasks that I only need to do twice a year, like setting up an app or a testbench. Or I start a new R&D topic that just keeps growing, or there is just too much information, videos, and tutorials about the same topic just repeating the same - some really good, some not good. Therefore I decided to document and organize. And this is an attempt to clean and share.

My philosophy is to use/link whatever I consider is OK and provide short instructions/guides as required. I update them on a need basis, so if there is something that requires an update just contact me. Also, it covers only the topics that I have to learn on a need/curiosity basis.

I am an Electronic Engineer, with an FPGA background (like work, most on the verification side nowadays with Opensource tools) and embedded systems (mostly as a hobby). I also enjoy projects and team management.

šŸ’”These days information is abundant and overwhelming. Unfortunately, too much is as bad as too little, and time is scarce. I hope I can save you some valuable time with this humble effort. If you see something that is redundant or got a better link or tutorial, please point me in the right direction.


It is my personal belief that no amount of books and videos/tutorials can replace a formal education in Electronics and/or Computer Science. However, that does not imply that hobbyists cannot enjoy and bring their projects to life and have some fun and self-grow in the process. These guides follow a practical approach, therefore rather than going deep into concepts or theories, it is hands-on oriented. Saying so, the required theory or terminology will be explained as simply as possible and reference links for more in-depth content would be provided when possible.

For any comments, suggestions, or bugs/errors/misconceptions do not hesitate to contact me.

As typical with this kind of endeavour, the ideas, code (software/firmware, 3D models), and examples should be used as a reference and not as a final product - although I have may a due diligent effort to provide a bug-free framework, it has not been thoroughly tested in any possible scenario and extreme caution is advised. Commercial products required an extra set of engineering processes before reaching out to the general public which usually lacks the expertise of the designer to deal with error situations.

āš  The security of Embedded Systems is a huge topic. Although some hints would be provided, this would not be covered in depth. If you plan to gift or commercialize your designs, I highly recommend forming a team and becoming incorporated. A final product requires a lot of verification and validation, certifications, and proper documentation.

How-to navigateā€¦

This site is divided in:

  • Tutorials: guides to installing tools, or how-to for R&D.
  • Projects: open source projects
  • Blogs: personal opinions or ideas.

You can access them on the right sidebar/panel , or by hovering over the top bar icon.